
For those traveling to New York

Amtrak forced to reroute after train derailment

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) -- A freight train derailment in Connecticut has suspended Amtrak service along the busy New York-to-Boston corridor, and the railroad is providing transportation on alternate routes.

Trains north from New York's Penn Station will run to New Haven, Conn., then detour to Springfield, Mass., before traveling to Boston's South Station. Passengers should allow several hours of extra time.

For those traveling to New York, Amtrak will pick up passengers at Kingston, R.I, Providence, R.I., and Route 128 and return to Boston to board a special train to New York.

The rail service says crews were working Sunday to clear the tracks.

Amtrak service between New York and Washington is not affected and the Springfield, Mass., shuttle will operate as scheduled.

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who took over the PKK's command after Ocalan's capture and imprisonment in 1999

Kurdish legislators meet jailed rebel chief

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — A group of Kurdish legislators traveled to a prison island off Istanbul on Monday to confer with rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is widely expected to call a cease-fire ordering his rebels to stop fighting as part of efforts to end a bitter three-decade-old conflict with Turkey.

The pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party officials have said Ocalan — who is serving a life sentence for leading the Kurdish insurgency — is expected to call for a truce and maybe even ask several thousand fighters to withdraw from Turkey to coincide with a spring festival celebrated by Kurds on Thursday.

Three legislators from the Peace and Democracy Party were allowed to travel to Imrali island to meet with Ocalan and were expected to relay a message from him.

The Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, has declared cease-fires in the past but these were largely ignored by Turkey which refused to talk to the rebels and vowed to continue to fight the group they until lay down arms. This time, the government has acknowledged that is it holding talks with Ocalan with the aim of persuading the PKK to disarm and the cease-fire declaration and the rebels' retreat would constitute a major step toward ending the conflict.

The government has yet to reveal details of the peace talks, but Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has indicated the rebels would withdraw fighters from Turkey and disarm as part of the peace efforts.

Reports indicate that, in return, Turkey is expected to enact reforms to boost the rights of Kurds, including a new constitution that would amend the way all citizens are defined as "Turks" and grant more powers to local authorities. Turkey is also expected to change its legislation to allow the release of hundreds of Kurdish activists jailed for alleged links to the PKK.

In an important symbolic gesture, the rebels last week released eight captive Turkish soldiers and officials they had been holding in bases in northern Iraq.

Kurds make up an estimated 20 percent of Turkey's population of around 75 million. The rebels took up arms in 1984 for self-rule; Turkey and the West label the PKK a terrorist organization.

Murat Karayilan, who took over the PKK's command after Ocalan's capture and imprisonment in 1999, said in an interview with Firat News, a website close to the rebels, that his group has decided to support the peace initiative although the PKK has some unspecified reservations and concerns about the process.

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In January

Monitoring your kids on Facebook? That's so 2009.
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    In this March 4, 2013 photo, Rebecca…

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Relieved your kids aren't posting embarrassing messages and goofy self-portraits on Facebook? They're probably doing it on Instagram and Snapchat instead.

    The number of popular social media sites available on kids' mobile devices has exploded in recent years. The smartest apps now enable kids to chat informally with select groups of friends without bumping up against texting limits and without being monitored by parents, coaches and college admissions officers, who are frequent Facebook posters themselves.

    Many of the new mobile apps don't require a cellphone or a credit card. They're free and can be used on popular portable devices such as the iPod Touch and Kindle Fire, as long as there's a wireless Internet connection.

    According to the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, more than three-fourths of teenagers have a cellphone and use online social networking sites such as Facebook. But educators and kids say there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that Facebook for teenagers has become a bit like a school-sanctioned prom — a necessary rite of passage with plenty of adult onlookers — while apps such as Snapchat and Kik Messenger are the much cooler after-party.

    Educators say they have seen everything from kids using their mobile devices to circulate online videos of school drug searches to male students sharing nude pictures of their girlfriends. Most parents, they say, have no idea.

    "What sex education used to be — it's now the 'technology talk' we have to have with our kids," said Rebecca Levey, a mother of 10-year-old twin daughters who runs a tween video review site called KidzVuz.com and blogs about technology and educations issues.

    Eileen Patterson, a stay-at-home mom of eight kids in Burke, Va., said she used to consider herself fairly tech savvy and is frequently on Facebook, but was shocked to learn her kids could message their friends with just an iPod Touch. She counts nine wireless devices in her home and has taken to shutting off her home's Wi-Fi after 9 p.m., but Patterson calls her attempt to keep tabs on her kids' online activity "a war I'm slowly losing every day."

    "I find myself throwing up my hands every now and again," Patterson said. "Then I'll see something on TV or read an article in the paper about some horrible thing that happened to some poor child and their family, and then I try to be more vigilant. But the reality is, I'm ...stupid" when it comes to social media.

    Mobile apps refer to the software applications that can be downloaded to a mobile device through an online store such as Apple's iTunes. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there are some 800,000 apps available through Apple and 700,000 apps on Google Play.

    Among the most popular mobile apps among kids is Instagram, free software that digitally enhances photos and posts them to your account online. The photos can be shared on other social media sites such as Facebook, which bought Instagram last year.

    Then there's Snapchat, among the top 10 free iPhone apps available. Coined by the media as the "sexting" app, Snapchat lets you send a text, photo or video that self-destructs within 10 seconds of being opened.

    Kik Messenger also allows unlimited texting for free and offers anonymity to its users. Able to run on an iPod Touch or Kindle Fire, Kik allows vague user names — for example, a nickname or a string of random digits — that won't reveal a person's real name or phone number.

    But as with anything online, each of these apps comes with serious caveats.

    Snapchat, for example, acknowledges on its Web page that its messages aren't guaranteed to disappear: Anyone receiving a text or photo can use their 10 seconds to capture a "screenshot," or photo of their device's screen, and save that image to their phone. Video also can be downloaded, although Snapchat says it alerts senders when their data is saved.

    Instagram is generally considered pretty tame as long as kids adjust their privacy settings to limit who can see their photos and don't post nudity, which could subject them to child pornography laws. But Levey points out that many parents don't know their kids are on Instagram until there's trouble — usually when kids post photos at parties, and other kids who aren't invited see them.

    Dale Harkness, a technology director at Richmond-Burton Community High School in Richmond, Ill., said parents often will hand their kids a mobile device without understanding exactly what it can do. He estimates that even without the latest social media app, the average high school student probably transmits some 150 texts a day.

    "It's not anything that every parent and grandparent hasn't already seen," Harkness said. The problem, he adds, is the actions "get documented, replayed and sent around," and kids "forget how fast it moves and how far it goes."

    That was the case at Ridgewood High School in Ridgewood, N.J., where a male student allegedly took a screenshot of nude pictures sent to him by female classmates via Snapchat, then posted the pictures on Instagram. According to a letter to parents by the school district's superintendent that was later posted online, police were warning students to delete any downloaded pictures by Monday or face criminal charges under child pornography laws.

    There are general security concerns too. A recent report by a cyberthreat research company, called F-Secure, found that some of the new social networking sites have become ripe targets for spreading malware and propagating scams.

    In January, the FBI arrested a 27-year-old man in Los Angeles who allegedly hacked into hundreds of social media and email accounts, including Facebook and Skype, and found naked photos and personal passwords that women had stored online. He used the naked photos to try to coerce women into disrobing for him via Skype and threatened to post their private photos to their Facebook accounts if they refused to comply, according to the indictment.

    Also worth noting is that almost every mobile app available collects some kind of personal data, such as a person's birthdate or the location of their phone, and shares that information with third parties for marketing purposes. While a new regulation by the Federal Trade Commission this year is aimed at keeping advertisers from tracking kids younger than 13, most social media apps require that a person promise to be at least 13 when they sign up, thereby exempting themselves from the tougher privacy restrictions.

    Rep. Ed Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat who is co-chairman of a House caucus that examines privacy issues, said he'd like to see legislation that would give kids under 15 the right to delete photos or texts that wind up elsewhere online. The prospect, however, is unlikely in a Congress dominated by debates on federal spending and gun control, and raises practical questions about how such a law could be enforced.

    "I believe that our children have a right to develop, to grow up and to make mistakes," Markey said. "Nobody should be penalized for something they posted when they were 9 years old."

    Several consumer advocates actually recommend exposing their kids to social media sites earlier than age 12, when they're more receptive to hearing lessons about online etiquette and safety.

    For example, Levey links her kids' devices to her iTunes account so she's aware of any program they download. She also requires that her kids "friend" her on every program and follow certain ground rules: protect your passwords, set your privacy controls and never transmit inappropriate pictures or words.

    Levey thinks a big hurdle for parents is getting over the idea that they are invading their kids' privacy by monitoring online activity. In fact, she said, it can be the kid's first lesson that nothing online is truly private anyway.

    "If they want privacy, they should write in a journal and hide it under their mattress," Levey said.


    Follow Anne Flaherty on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnneKFlaherty.

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  • 2013年3月14日星期四

    こ の ため

    Double ro ー ン, problem solutions eliminate へ forward regeneration support agency staff times 増 で 対 応 East Japan Earthquake で be disaster し た SMEs な ど が new た な by gold を hold え る two heavy ro ー ン problem の solutions eliminate ni ke ta take ri group み ga yo-u や く moving ki beginning め た. Government が the establishment of the Great East Japan Earthquake career renewable support organizations "は し た で take gold の to buy established by the last March の か ら about 1 year い the ri や the capital contribution the na ど 121 the の support を decision. Support organizations は support the number of the の target を the next 2 years で 1050 と し the staff the を times 増 the さ せ て reach を mesh refers desu,グッチ 靴 2月19日、AP. the <br> <br> support organizations に yo ru と, ma で の こ れ の accumulated relative the は talk by the number of items to pay 1015.だ が, was disaster geographical で は large earthquake の Tianjin wave に よ っ て victim を by ke ta SMEs や large enterprises な ど の career as は about 5 000 3 one thousand に の ぼ る と み て お ri, "potential na ni ー ズ は large ki い" (support agencies の Ikeda constitution people president) . <br> <br> こ の ため, now about 100 people い ru staff the を new regulations a の 拡 な ど of the で times 増 さ せ talk business the を strengthen su ru. the <br> <br> support the の 対 like か ら の は, before the earthquake by ri into れ と disaster の career to open の た め the, by two heavy gold の ro ー ン the に bitter し の new た な む SMEs. Financial institutions support organizations が い か ら the debt 権 を buy take ri, the debt の a カ the the ッ Suites を し first extended ば su ru こ と で, The cause of 継 続 を support su ru や return 済 period. The <br> <br> disaster land で は after the earthquake, "SME financial yen slip of law (return 済 Utah to law) や earthquake shut even の various grants の effect (Empire デ ー ta ba ン ku) で down the number of production pieces は earthquake before yo ri reduce し て い ru.だ が the end of March に は yen slip of the Act the の deadline ga cut れ, down production が 増 え ru the possibility the moo accused さ れ て い ru. The support organizations の Ikeda president municipality と は "地元 su ru the na ど を し て known third-thoroughly to し たい" と し, the same institutions の utilize を call び ka ke ru. [Off even Notepad】 food "Origin を consciousness" 7 cut roots strong い wind assessment murdered East Japan big earthquake "の つ na ga ri chest に and then swear u ka ki breeding の stone Sen Yu governance さ ん East Japan Earthquake revival へ の 闘 い three-year entry の wall ...",6673; people も モ ノ もあ い な wins い ん だ よ "the village refuge の Fukushima restaurant village of origin reporters が see つ め た Hongo の now 実 temperature so the Prime Minister," last words "the で learning line を critical


    3DS対応マジコン 」







    NHK総合 2013年4月7日(日) 5:15 ~ 5:44
    ゲスト:ケーシー高峰 / 古今亭菊之丞
    一龍斎貞水【関連記事】 「見とけよ!」で頂点、三浦マイルドのR-1優勝会見 優勝は三浦マイルド,R4i SDHC 3DS をはじめ、プロデビュー戦の選手も多く、前半戦は若手育成の色濃いラインナップとなった!「R-1ぐらんぷり2013」 R-1連載最終回、雷ジャクソン高本「自衛官のみなさんのために」 R-1連載第11回、アンドーひであき「喋らないで優勝目指す」 R-1連載第10回、スギちゃん「No.1が欲しいです,R4i Sdhc 7021!」

    r4 karte 党総裁

    党改革の「派閥無力化」 石破氏の領袖行脚も、さっそく反発自民党の石破茂幹事長は15日の党役員連絡会で、党政治制度改革実行本部がまとめた党改革案について、安倍晋三首相(党総裁)の指示に基づき3月17日の党大会までに実行のめどをつけるよう指示した。改革案は石破氏の持論である「派閥機能の無力化」のため、各派事務所の党本部移転を提言しているが、派閥領袖からはさっそく反発の声が上がっている,セリーヌ ラゲージ あの人が論文を盗作して辞表を出すとは信じられない」と話した。 「私が政策グループ(派閥)にお願いする場面も当然ある。事務所移転は夏の参院選までに形になって実現するのが望ましい」 石破氏は15日の記者会見でこう述べたのに対し、領袖は「形にこだわりすぎている」と批判を始めた。 改革案は総裁選の決選投票での都道府県連分の配分などを盛り込んでいるが、「事実上の石破派」(領袖)とされる無派閥連絡会が発足したばかりとあって、石破氏への風当たりは強まりそうだ,同商品は、手軽に持ち帰れるという長所もある

    セリーヌ キーケース 60

    雑木林に男性遺体 外傷なく凍死の可能性 栃木栃木県警足利署は12日、同県足利市名草上町の雑木林で9日に身元不明の男性遺体が見つかった、と明らかにした。目立った外傷はなく事件性は低いという。 同署によると、9日午前9時45分ごろ、バーベキューのため林道に入った男性(60)が、倒れている遺体を見つけ110番した,グッチ キーケース HIROYAにデビュー戦でKO勝ちした東本参戦 若武者対決が決定。 司法解剖の結果、死後1~2週間で凍死の可能性がある, Bグループでは、Fリーグ勢が苦戦を強いられた。身長約170センチ、60~80代とみられ、黒のジャンパーと灰色のズボン姿で、紺色の野球帽をかぶり黒の靴を履いていた。 同署は身元の特定を進めている。




    【WBC】やはり手強いドミニカ、ヤンキース圧倒 中軸カノ「この勢いで」ドミニカ共和国は若手主体のヤンキースに快勝した。ペーニャ監督が「ボールがよく動いていた,今年の新作コレクションからも目が離せない。いい投球をされてしまった」と話したように序盤は黒田に手を焼いた。だが中盤以降は打線がつながり、投手陣も七回2死まで安打を許さずに攻守で圧倒した。 前日もフィリーズ相手に28安打、15得点の大勝だった。中軸を任されるカノ(ヤンキース)は「うちにはパワーもスピードもある。投手陣の調子もいい,原子力機構。このままこの勢いで戦いたい」と自信たっぷりに話した。(共同)


    ジェンティルドンナ 22日ドバイ出発、20日に国内最終追いドバイシーマクラシック(30日、メイダン)に遠征するジェンティルドンナ(牝4=石坂)の出国日が22日に決まった,----------

     15日に栗東トレセン内の検疫厩舎に移動し、20日に国内最終追いを行う。検疫中の調教パートナーはカーマイン(5歳500万)が務める。6日は岩田がまたがって坂路4F54秒2~13秒1をマーク。「時計はさほど出ていないが心配ない,高い1万2433円60銭で取引が始まった。本当に順調」と井上助手は満足顔。【関連記事】 【弥生賞】戸崎と皐月へ サトノネプチューン、意欲3頭追い 【弥生賞】コディーノ抜かずとも抜群 テンション上げず俊敏反応 【チューリップ賞】レッドオーヴァル一番時計!ズバっと52秒4 【オーシャンS】ダッシャーゴーゴー 軽快52秒8、上積み実感 ドバイシーマクラシック 、 ジェンティルドンナ 、 栗東トレセン を調べる


    <中国>唐家・模前国務委員が3月下旬来日 関係改善を模索【北京・工藤哲】中国の対日外交に強い影響力を持つ前国務委員の唐家・模(とう・かせん)中日友好協会会長(75)の3月下旬の訪日が固まったことが、複数の日中関係筋の話で分かった。安倍晋三首相との会談に向けた調整も進められている。





     唐氏は日本の要人が北京を訪問する際には受け入れ役を務めることが多く、1月に村山富市元首相や加藤紘一自民党元幹事長らの訪中団と北京で会談した際には「日中間には(尖閣問題など)避けて通れない問題はあるが、対話と協議でうまく解決する手段を探るのが急務だ。両国の友好を重視する姿勢は変わらない」などと発言している。【関連記事】 <日中関係はどうなるのか>尖閣国有化半年:日中緊張 糸口見えず <フォークランド諸島に中国のテレビも来て…>発信箱:「ストロング・ジャパン」=福本容子(論説室) <尖閣を巡る最近の動き>尖閣寄付金:東京都が「基金化」する条例を成立 <中国事情についてのコラム>木語:南の島、なぜ消えた=金子秀敏 <中国事情についてのコラム>木語:戦場英会話の演習=金子秀敏


    洋上風力発電「20年に40倍」 環境相が新目標 石原伸晃環境相は9日、「2020年に洋上風力発電の能力を100万キロワット以上にしたい」と述べ、現在の発電能力の40倍以上にする新目標を明らかにした,r4i sdhc に出場する日本代表チーム「侍ジャパン」の候補33選手の背番号を発表した。長崎県・五島列島の椛島沖にある国内初の浮体式洋上風力発電の試験機を視察した後、記者団に語った。

     石原環境相は離島など地域で自立したエネルギーとして十分可能性があるとしたうえで「日本には洋上風力発電のポテンシャル(適した場所)も能力もあり、全国に広げなければならない」と述べた,ipad2 ケース おしゃれ 不知火


    UGG クラシックミニ which would cap rises in welfare payments until 2016

    Archbishop of Canterbury condemns welfare changes

    LONDON (AP) -- The new archbishop of Canterbury has joined other bishops in criticizing the British government's plans to change the welfare system,UGG クラシックミニ.

    Justin Welby backed an open letter from some 40 Church of England bishops that said the proposed changes would drive children and families into poverty,http://www.r4ikarter4.org,フェンディ バッグ.

    Sunday's statement marked Welby's first political statement since he was named in his new role as the head of the Church of England,セリーヌ 店舗 indeed 実". Welby is due to be formally enthroned at Canterbury Cathedral on Mar,iEDGE. 21,グッチ 店舗 14854.

    The planned changes, which would cap rises in welfare payments until 2016, aim to cut government spending,moncler ダウン. The archbishop said a "civilized society" has a duty to support the vulnerable amid rising living costs.

    The welfare bill will be debated in the House of Lords next week,R4i GOLD 3DS.


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    [Photos] love, Nakajima, gaze, Shioda Reiko fans farewell with smile

    Wedding attendees, Ze, the London Olympic gold medal in women's wrestling Yoshida Sahori, the United States of America larger Internet FA transfer Nakajima Hiroyuki (former, Seibu), led by SHIHO sports model, actress · SHEILA, model dance Chuan ah to celebrities such as a cluster of.Kato Miriya show, the stand.

    too luxurious member, SHIHO said in the blog "the most amazing thing" and, before the seat Ze player and Yoshida player, such records, "vulgar heart honor."Great excitement.SHEILA in the blog "too luxurious too many members, his nose bleed in the table.", and to convey the excitement.

    Shioda breast line and chest bold showed white dress, bright blue vibrator sleeves and dress up.The guests of the cake, the badminton and football chocolate depicting.

    Shioda and increase the Nakajima, Shioda's 29 birthday.In September 30th last year marriage registration.In January 6th of this year held in Hawaii wedding.[] Association reported a pair of alternate between joy and grief..."Rival" only 1 years and 7 months for divorce tide field retirement ceremony, Nakajima to SHEILA girl "at risk" status "umbilical cord neck 2 layer......"Yoshida Sahori, "Princess hug" with SHIHO, SHEILA, Shioda Reiko survey
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    Tokyo Auto Salon [13] projection map, automatic Salon Exhibition introduction
    Tokyo Auto Salon 13 room 8 East Hall "2 UX 3 J (Lexus) booth", the Lexus 4 car "beast" as a display, wherein, heterogeneous and can be said to be LFA.Open style special models, however, this car is coated with a thin film of decoration is No.


    LFA impression is, the wild rare white tiger.Pure light body is beautiful, polishing processing other 3 rustic look.However, this idea change

    is instantly one hour several visits.In fact, the LAF projector CG mirrored crowded "rear projection mapping" canvas and become.

    Tokyo Marunouchi station waiting hall projection, as the one he who gathered much suspended...This incident affected many famous projection, however, this technology is finally put also automatically salon.

    LFA engine room reproducing images, exhibited (dynamic) automotive active sense the same performance, image outflow and "most look gorgeous" time is done.

    "response to Ishida Machi" [] Association reported CG Technology Tokyo station large screen change...The history of the largest Tokyo Station CG activity, which is the first day of police advice, as their new Porsche 911 4S 3D rear projection mapping run (video) Lexus LFA special editorial Tokyo automatic salon news special edit
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    ▼ Ustream correspondence.Network broadcast with the letter

    "Press release" Panasonic camera "A pub panda Party - X 920 M" sale
    Consumer marketing Japan headquarters, the new development of back illuminated large MOS sensor 3 with digital HD Camcorder A pub panda Party - X 920 M February 20th launch.

    this product, Panasonic civil camera flagship vehicle type "HDC Z 10000" also uses three times more sensor system evolution, the livelihood of the first (* 1) "backside-illuminated MOS sensor using a 3 MOS system".Correct color decomposition and high color dynamic range, while maintaining high sensitivity change achieved.Leica DC lenses cause ghosting and support, reducing the color penetration less clear optical system, iris drawing using COM., high quality imaging performed for possible.

    in addition, praised the "5 Axis Hybrid jitter compensation" and the new development of the "tilt correction" function, to achieve a photographer's burden, while less than failure photography possible.

    the products summary

    & name
    Digital HD Camcorder
    ▼ number
    A pub panda Party - X 920 M
    ▼ recording media
    64 GB / SD card built-in memory (sold separately)
    & color
    - K (black)
    ▼ body retail price (including tax)
    open price
    ▼ release date
    February 20, 2013
    ▼ to produce quantity
    3, million

    the speciality

    1 Minsheng first (* 1)!Backside-illuminated MOS sensor using a 3 MOS system installed, bright color reproduction, implementation

    ▼ video 8490000 effective pixels.HD high-definition best, horizontal resolution 1080.

    ▼ our traditional products (A pub panda Party - X 900 M) increased about 2 times the high sensitivity to achieve.

    2 newly developed "tilt correction" and "5 Axis Hybrid jitter compensation", hand shake · inclined substantially reduced

    ▼ "tilt correction" when shooting body tilt detection level correction.

    ▼ 12 times optical zoom (29.8 - 399.2 mm) / F 1.5 bright Lycra DC lens, clearer description.

    Fi with 3, Ustream LIVE with the letter (* 2) and intelligent mobile phone cooperation to achieve

    ▼ Ustream correspondence.Network broadcast with the letter (* 2) side of HD video recording.

    ▼ on intelligent mobile phone live recording, regeneration, a automatic editing.

    (* 1) digital high-definition digital video camera and.January 10, 2013 now.

    (* 2) advance Ustream your login account, LUMIX CLUB PicMate LUMIX CLUB from PicMate Ustream registration, the need for cooperation.

    the responsibility the Panasonic < 6752 T >
    Customer Advisory Center
    phone: 0120 - 878 - 365 (toll free)

    published in January 10, 2013.

    ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

    released last fall finally began

    An center, an expected new is April, black · star currently scheduled?
    published last summer luxury artists assembled free mix tape as new was released last November in the center of an, an (Talib Kweli) "Prisoner Of Consciousness" new.The record company changes sale November exten obvious, the intellectual school rappers book sale April again was published.

    3 years before the start of the new title emerged an center, an "Prisoner Of Consciousness" series, released last fall finally began, currency (Curren $y) and Kendrick · Lamar (Kendrick Lamar) and other advanced rap artists, or pasta, test (Busta Rhymes), Nelly (Nelly), Miguel (Miguel), Melanie · at the (Melanie Fiona), LA as a stronghold for activity of the female member of the 3 group of king of amber (Amber Strother clear KING) and added, and the Brazil music industry who · suitable for (Seu Jorge) have participated in what was revealed to concern album.However, the original sales independent marker Blacksmith Music disintegration decision, because the center of an facing another record company Javotti Media to sell yuan switch.Affected by this 2013 release was delayed.

    the new release date was finally decided in April 23rd.Release delay, thanks to the center of an revisited album content to reconsider, December 2: additional recordings. "."More music of part to think, want to say something, say, music do you hear, feel to love" and its intention".A total of 2 at the end of another new April tour also published.

    and this year, the new Javotti Media, reflective · future navigation (Reflection Eternal) formed a high-tech (line Tech) solo new published book.On the other hand, Moss, differential to have · shellfish (Mos Def / Yasiin Bey) unit, at the end of 2011 after recovery actions are not black · star (Black Star) with, "that guy preparation, please be sure to do ah" which gradually.Comments, especially specific plan is not clear.Related articles [] Mos Def / Yasiin Bey Talib Kweli artist artist intelligence information Black Star artist information
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    than people hero props

    Yuko Takeuchi than the props "shabby treatment" grumble
    movie "strawberry night" (January 26th) as Yuko Takeuchi (32) Ugaji and (50) Misaki Sato Yuichi and (50) 11 days, Fukuoka City Hotel PR meeting.

    the works Department of Fuji television drama theatre printing plate "special television dramas, TV play after 3 years of continuous synthesizer.Must enjoy ", starring the metropolitan police searched lieutenant · lesson; Hikawa Reiko played inside the bamboo chest.

    subordinate role Yu Kajiwara "Ji Chuan classes that Mr Yuko Takeuchi said people like you." "the chest is a confession of the blood."Grateful Takeuchi, but the site is shocking.

    before then, props and senior brand · Hermes red "Olympic Village Roya" is the use of a play, all the rain outside its photography."Cutting the need my umbrella to pack" than people hero props, valued.

    frustrated Takeuchi is "starring DJ village loa is it right?.Initially was very lonely."Packet handling complaints following.Related articles [] had bought the V6 gang war "library" starring Mizushima "regression" behind "Guijia combat"?Tom Krus and served out of unexpected common Tokyo Sports Film Awards nomination in 2013 decided the film industry is "three works"
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    露大統領が年次教書演説 国力伸び悩みに危機感 汚職対策明言も実効性は不明

    露大統領が年次教書演説 国力伸び悩みに危機感 汚職対策明言も実効性は不明
    【モスクワ=遠藤良介】ロシアのプーチン大統領は12日、クレムリンで年次教書演説を行い、深刻さを増している汚職の対策に尽力することなど、改革への意欲を強調した。プーチン氏が5月、通算3期目の大統領に就任してから初めての年次教書演説。1期目からの「大国復活路線」は堅持する一方、地下資源頼みの後進的な経済構造から脱却できず、総合的な国力が伸び悩んでいる現状に危機感を示した形だ。 この中でプーチン氏は、国家機構の非効率や汚職が発展を妨げているとし、「権力の浄化と刷新を絶え間なく進める」と力説。政治家や公務員による外国での資産保有の制限や、贈収賄の温床となっている各種の監督・検査機関のあるべき姿の検討を政府と議会に求めた。 プーチン氏はまた、前回の大統領期に廃止した下院の小選挙区制を復活させることにも「賛成だ」と述べ、政治制度の変革にも含みを持たせた。 ロシアでは10月以降、高官を巻き込んだ大規模汚職の摘発や発覚が相次ぎ、「反汚職キャンペーン」の様相を呈している。ただ、一連の疑獄の根底にはプーチン氏の威信低下や指導部内の派閥対立の激化があるとも指摘され、汚職対策の実効性を疑問視する見方は根強い。 プーチン氏は大統領復帰後、反政権派を標的とした抑圧的な新法を矢継ぎ早に制定しており、政治改革についても真意は不明だ。演説では多民族国家であるロシアの団結を強調して民族主義や分離主義に警鐘を鳴らし、「外国がロシアの政治に干渉することは許されない」とも強調した。 著名な政治学者のパブロフスキー氏はインタファクス通信に対し、「新味のない惰性的な年次教書だ」と論評した。
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    【ゆうゆうLife】暮らし取り戻す介護リフト 導入で自宅入浴を続けられた
    介護リフトの記事を掲載したところ、読者から自宅でのリフト使用について問い合わせを頂いた。介護リフトを自宅で使う人は多くないが、明確な目的がある場合は導入もスムーズだ。今回は、自宅で使う介護リフトについてお伝えする。(佐藤好美) 福祉技術研究所の市川洌(きよし)さんは2月、2世帯住宅で暮らす義母(90)のため、浴室に介護リフトを導入した。認知症の義母は要介護3で、足腰が危うい。手を引けばすり足で歩くが、浴槽のまたぎが困難になりつつあった。 義母を主に介護するのは、妻の君代さん(64)。君代さんには実母にあたる。当初は入浴の際、浴槽に1カ所手すりがあれば間に合った。それが困難になると、君代さんは入る手順に添って、2カ所に手すりをつけた。 しばらくはそれで済んだが、認知症の人は肉体的にできることが常にできるわけではない。母親は湯船に入るときは手順通りにできても、温まると上気して、「もういい! 出る!」と言い出すことがあり、君代さんは落ち着いて母親を湯船から出せる「次の手段」を考える必要があった。 入浴が難しくなると検討されるのは、まずは「自宅でのシャワー浴」。しかし、君代さんは「夏はいいけれど、冬は介助する側もぬれて寒い。とても無理だと思った」と言う。 一般に次に検討されるのが「デイサービスでの入浴」。食事と入浴が提供されるデイサービスはかつて検討した。1日預かってもらえれば、介護は格段に楽になる。< 前のページ1234次のページ >
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     園城師は19日の総長就任会見で「できれば前総長にもう少し仕事をしてほしかった」と本音をのぞかせ「ご門主さまの推薦にノーという世界があるのかと、つくづく厳しく受け止めさせてもらった」と述べた。【関連記事】 年末恒例のすす払い、京都の東西本願寺で 浄土真宗本願寺派で総長選挙 園城師を選出 浄土真宗本願寺派の“教科書”中高年に好評 「お東紛争」、解決に向け前進と大谷派 請求棄却にも評価の理由は お寺さんもゆるキャラ ブームで続々誕生 民主党の轍を踏むな
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    松任谷由実のデビュー40周年を祝うライブイベント「Anniversary For Yuming ~Golden Circle Vol.17~」が、昨日1月3日に東京・日本武道館にて行われた。


    これは、世代の異なるアーティストの競演をコンセプトに2001年から開催されている寺岡呼人主催の「Golden Circle」の一環として実施。17回目を迎える今回は「ユーミンの40周年を祝う」という特別なテーマが設けられ、彼女を愛するさまざまなアーティストが一堂に会した。

    ライブの前半にはBase Ball Bearの小出祐介や関根史織、薬師丸ひろ子、大貫妙子といった面々が新旧のユーミンナンバーをカバー。中盤ではユーミン本人が登場し、荒井由実時代のアルバムレコーディングにキャラメル・ママとして参加した細野晴臣、鈴木茂、林立夫、松任谷正隆の演奏をバックに「COBALT HOUR」「雨のステイション」「ベルベット・イースター」「ひこうき雲」といった懐かしいナンバーを歌い上げ、観客の感動を呼んだ。

    さらにアンコールではRHYMESTERが「SATURDAY NIGHT ZOMBIES」を、ムッシュかまやつが「中央フリーウェイ」をユーミンとセッションした。最後は出演アーティストが勢揃いし、「やさしさに包まれたなら」と「ANNIVERSARY」を大合唱。そしてユーミンは「今日は勇気をもらいました!」と感謝の言葉を出演者と観客に伝えステージを去った。【関連記事】 「神様はいたずらだね」ユーミン×プロコル・ハルム夢の共演 ユーミンデビュー40周年番組でキャラメル・ママと共演 一十三十一、邦楽カバーアルバムをアナログ盤でリリース 寺岡呼人主催ユーミン40周年ライブに細野、茂、林、正隆 Aimer幻のカバーアルバム、ユーミン他新録曲加えCD化
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    [東京 4日 ロイター] 東京外為市場正午のドル/円は、ニューヨーク市場午後5時時点に比べて、ドル高/円安の87円後半。米「財政の崖」をめぐる懸念が後退したことに加え、米量的緩和の早期解除観測が台頭したことで、米長期金利が上昇。これが意識される中で、ドル/円は一時87.78円と約2年5カ月ぶりの高値をつけた。









    (ロイターニュース 志田義寧)【関連記事】 コラム:円安の先にインフレは来るか=唐鎌大輔氏 米FRB内で政策懸念、FOMC議事録公表:識者はこうみる 債券買い入れ継続の方向性堅持、内部では政策懸念=FOMC議事録 コラム:日米金融政策の強弱感強まれば90円突破も NY金先物が1%超下落、FRB議事録受け
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